
Some Truths About Affordable Graphic Design

By Tommie Anthony

Affordable graphic design is not always what people are expecting. If you are a branding artist there are some things that you can do which will make your services more attractive to those who are new to the idea of having their business or product branded.

Consumers are generally familiar with a couple of basic facts. One of the most important and inviolable tends to be 'You get what you pay for.' While there is considerable grey area here, it is usually a good rule of thumb.

The flip side to this rule is the understanding that you, as an artist, must not undervalue your time nor your product. If you understand and follow the general price structures of others in the industry, you can zero in on what your own work is likely to be worth on the open market.

At this point you are probably going to want to make a few strategic choices. You can hardly move on the Internet without running into some amateur with a pirated copy of Photoshop who wants to do branding.

With so many amateur artists jamming up the industry, at least online, the professionals find themselves having to lower their fees to match these talentless hacks. There are two big problems which fall out of this.

Viewing a huge selection of awful branding might give someone the impression that it's not hard and they can do it themselves. Now they won't hire anyone at all. But at least the awful logo they end up with was free.

The service auctions and freelance sites which have sprung up to cope with all of these amateurs have resulted in a second major problem. The way these work models operate in reality means that many artists are working for nothing, and get nothing in the end. Giving clients the ability to peruse and select from finished offers before any sort of contract has been negotiated is a terrible idea for any artist.

Clients are not paying for the finished logo. They are paying you for your time and effort. If you are able to impress this fact upon your customers then you will find it a lot easier to ask for the amount of money you deserve. Affordable graphic design is not necessarily cheap graphic design, but people are always hoping that they get what they paid for.

affordable graphic design

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